The Wait Is Over!!
We now have a new official website for Bohemia Table Tennis Club. Any announcements, tournaments and events will be posted there.
Update: New Seamless Ping Pong Poly Ball for 2015 is Confirmed!
This week ITTF has announced that from July 2013 on wards there will be the introduction of the new ping pong ‘poly’ balls to be used in all ITTF competitions. The ball will replace the present celluloid ball.
Do you know that the new Ping Pong Poly Balls are coming out soon? The new POLY balls will be officially used at ITTF events in July 1st, 2013. After this date the ITTF will NOT use celluloid balls, although they will remain legal for a while, until we officially decide the date to stop them . Moreover please be aware that for the period between the 2013 WTTC in Paris and July 2013, the new POLY balls may be used exceptionally, in the case of events starting at the end of June 2013 and/or ending in July 1st, 2013. You can find how the new ping pong balls are made below.
Bohemia Table Tennis Club is the biggest table tennis club in Long Island, New York. For more info, please contact Steven Backer at 631-938-6560. No matter you are in Nassau County, Suffolk County or New York City, please come join us.